Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun has dissociated herself from a fake Twitter handle that tweeted 'Recession is just a word and would soon be a thing of the past' a few days ago. The finance minister was blasted for the tweet, which she has now denied tweeting. Adeosun made the denial in a statement released by her Special Assistant on Media, Festus Akanbi. The statement reads;
“The attention of the Honourable Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, has been drawn to a fake Twitter handle in her name saying that ‘recession is just a word. For the avoidance of doubt, the Honourable Minister does not own a Twitter account. The Twitter handle currently trending, and any other twitter handle presently in existence is not, and cannot be that of the Honourable Minister, as a twitter account has not yet been set up for her. It is obviously fake and does not represent the views and opinions of the Honourable Minister. Also at no time did the Honourable Minister, who addressed the media immediately after Wednesday’s Federal Executive Council, make such a statement. The Minister has consistently demonstrated empathy for the plight of Nigerians hard hit by dwindling oil prices and the impact on the economy”.
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