Hungary is a deeply racist society. I have been here nine years and people insult me all the time. some one said to me on the Metro "Hey monkey, where are your bananas?". I can cope with that. Just don't touch me. I have a scar on my forehead, a skinhead came up to me with a bat and hit me on the head, to bash my brains out. As soon as i get my passport i am leaving.

I am happy I am alive. My brother was murdered in Vienna. Pushed under a train. They still havent caught the person that pushed him under the train. There are cameras everywhere. If a dog was killed they would have caught the person. I spent two months there, all my money went . They would not even let me see his body. I said you cannot bury him and finally they let me see the body. My brother, same father, same mother.What can I tell my family?
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